Monday, September 6, 2010


Without warning, it seems, this blog has gone from frequent visuals to near constant ones. Since work started, the time for thinking, let alone writing those thoughts down, vanished. August was one big whirl, and there are no signs of slowing down.

Life is pretty darn great, though. I think we should all vote to extend the length of the average day from 24 hours to 40, and decrease the standard work week from 5 to 3 days. When I think about all that I want to get done in a typical day - spend time with Alice, spend time with Michael, spend time with myself, spend time as a family, SLEEP, cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, feed Alice, pump, go to the gym, have productive time in the office, read, write, SLEEP (did I say that already?) - my head starts to spin. I'm trying to remain balanced and realistic about what can really happen each and every day, but it's difficult to do that. I really miss working out, but making time to go to the gym is just ... exhausting.

Anyway, I just wanted to check in with everyone and say hello. Let you know I'm still loving motherhood, and being a wife, and being an employee for my amazing boss. That I miss having time to write, but that I wouldn't change a thing about my life. That I'm as happy and as tired as I have ever been.

Love you.

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