Alice, Michael & I had a wonderful visit with LeeLee (Mom's preference over "Grandma"). This was the longest we had spent together since the summer after my first year in college, over ten years ago, and its relaxed time frame really altered the dynamic of our visit. Rather than feeling rushed to catch up over a 24-hour time frame, we were able to take our time, sitting in silence over tea in the morning, laughing at Alice together, talking about not much of anything or about the most intimate of life's treasures. Alice learned mom's voice, began responding to her "Good morning!" and "I see you!" calls. Mom and I would sit on the couch, transfixed by this new addition to our family, enjoying her sweet smiles and adorable pouts.
Around the house, Mom was a God-send. She helped us get through laundry and dinner-making and grocery shopping. She helped me plant my summer herb garden and bought me a new watch. She encouraged me to go clothes shopping and admit that the baby weight means I have to actually own some shorts and shirts that fit me.
This visit was everything I hoped it would be. Thankfully her return to the States is in sight - only four months away. But saying goodbye was tremendously difficult. I'm eager for the days when her visits are a normal part of life, when she can just hop in a car, come up for a couple of days, and know her next trip will be a matter of weeks away.
I'm blessed to be very close with my mom, as she was with hers. I pray that the tradition continues with Alice and I. I look at her and pray that I can be half the mother to her that mine is to me.
Here are some more pictures from her visit:
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